Sign up for membership Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code If you have a coupon code, please apply it below. Coupon: Apply coupon Join with 4600+ Members now! Please fill in this application and our office will get in touch with you as soon as we can! Colby shooting club membership application New Renew Choose Weapon: Archery Gun Combined (Check only one) Choose Membership: Individual Family Junior First Responders (Check only one) Billing details Last Name *Given Name *Address 1 *Address 2 (optional)City *Postal Code *Email * Home Phone *Work Phone (optional)Home Phone (optional)Birthday (optional)Are you a member of the CCFR with another club? (optional)YesNoPAL(Possession Acquisition Lic)# (optional)Expiry Date (optional)Is your PAL restricted? (optional)YesNoHave you ever completed The Colby Club level safety course? (optional)YesNoHave you ever held an ATT with Colby or another club? (optional)YesNoif YES, club name: (optional)Family memberships must complete this section.Spouse Name (optional)Birthday (optional)Additional Family Member (optional)Birthday (optional)Additional Family Member (optional)Birthday (optional)Did you receive a copy of the Colby Shooting Club Member`s Handbook? (optional)YesNoMembers must sign that they will read the member’s handbook and agree to be bound by the policies, rules and regulations of the Colby Shooting Club. I understand that my membership may be cancelled, without refund, should I breach the rules and by-laws of the club.Date * Signature Membership fees are due in April. Cheques should be made payable to Colby Shooting Club. Keys will be cancelled for membership fees not paid by May 15th and members will have to pay an additional $35.00 initiation fee. Additional information Your order Product Subtotal Annual Archery Subscription - Archery, Individual × 1 $45.00 for 1 year Subtotal $45.00 Total $45.00 030 Cash on delivery / Checks Pay with cash upon delivery. Already Paid Check the box if you have already paid Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the Update Totals button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so. Update totals Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. Send